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Like many people, I love F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Luckily for me and other fans of the show, Boston had a pop-up dedicated to this popular show. The pop-up featured facts about the show, props that were used, and there were plenty of photo opportunities!

The famous turkey head from an episode entitled: The One With All The Thanksgivings

The concept of friendship has always been interesting to me. It seems that friendships are harder to navigate than romantic relationships. Maybe because it is harder to tell a friend when they have upset you.

People always mention fights with significant others. There are many romantic relationship experts who give amazing advice about how couples can cope with struggles. But, it seems like there are fewer discussions regarding how one can better friendships.

Here is a short poem that I wrote about the uglier side of friendship:

Tears over a friend

I never thought I would be crying over a friend

yet here I am

I knew boys would break my heart

But i didn’t realize friendship can hurt this insanely too

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